Climbing in B&W

Tashana’s Birthday & 4th of July

Some classic Kodak Gold in the Minolta 650si:

Assorted Vivitar Point-n-Shoots

Lomo Turquoise

This car was cherry apple red.  

Solistice Party

    First a quick portrait of Vahe, followed by evidence of Bigfoot: 

Afternoon grilling at Nick & Emily’s: 

Then my first roll of Fomopan 400, pushed to 1600 ISO. These turned out way better than I could have expected. There’s a cool grey tint to everything:  

Jack & Leahi’s Wedding

    In the beginning of June, Jack and Leahi had a beautiful wedding in the hills of Santa Cruz. I ended up bringing 6 or 7 rolls of film and shot all of it. I started with a roll of Kodak Ultramax 400: 

After that, I loaded in some Cinestill 800T. 

I think after that was some Lomography 400. 

Then a roll of Lomo Purple:

Then I finished off the night with some Ilford HP5+ pushed to 800ISO. 

In the morning, I put in a roll of Lomography 100: 

Michael, Xavier & Cole

    Michael and Cole drove up to visit for Xavier and my IV° and P.I. O.T.O. initiations. These were taken the night before. Shot on Cinestill XX.

Climbing with Ian, Trevor and Laura

    Went out to the Lewis & Clark boulders, with some Portra 800 and Cinestill 400D. Trevor brought his epic BMPC4K, and got some video. I’ll add that when we edit it.

    The Cinestill 400D shots:

Nick & Emily’s Baby Shower

    This technically happened before the Shasta trip, but I had to strategically drop off film to help out my wallet. 
    We had almost 40 people hanging out in my house at one time!  

    Lots of great smiles in all these shots. 

    I don’t remember what kinds of film I used for these. I’ll update this when I get the negatives back and can check. 

Mount Shasta/Pluto’s Cave/Castle Crags

    My dad, brother and I got to go on an epic roadtrip from Portland down to Mount Shasta, packed with hikes, climbs, and delicious food.
    Our first stop was Odell Lake, shot on Kodak Ultramax 400: 

    Next, I loaded in some Cinestill 400D for when we first encounter the Mountain, and head to Pluto’s Cave: 

    Next, I switched to Cinestill 800T for the evening, not realizing that we would have full sun first thing in the morning. It’s usually not recommended to shoot 800T in full sun, but alas. They didn’t turn out too bad!: 

    I then switched to Cinestill 50D for the rest of this hike, and the first half of the Castle Crags hike the next day:

Headwaters Spring. We filled up every bottle we had.  

    At the top of Castle Crags, I put in another roll of Cinestill 400D: 

    And finally, some miscellaneous LomoChrome Purple shots: 

    The final two rolls were some Cinestill XX black & white (at 800 ISO), and Portra 800. 

© James Lake 2023